


Living from this core is accompanied by freedom and peace.

Carsten Dohnke: "I haven't yet found this deep peace, but I have experienced and tasted it."

This taste has led to the diverse teaching modalities and to more and more participants wanting to learn more about the Tao and feel connected to it in the events.

As an interesting supplement to this important topic, we recommend the article "Never Born, Never Died."

The Taoist methods that Carsten Dohnke teaches are bridges to enter this freedom and thus encounter one's true nature. The main aim of his courses is to activate and bring forth this vitality in every seminar.

It is important to understand that on the path of the Tao, you come into contact with a deeper level within you, which goes beyond your personality and structure. Step by step, you go beyond your limits and simultaneously touch infinity, your true core, and a very deep peace. One step inward, one step outward. All living beings carry this true nature or this connection to life within them, and when someone is completely open to it, this core shines through on its own. The Tao offers the possibility of returning to this core. And one not only returns home but also connects with boundlessness and thus to the origin of all being.

The freedom of being. This is the place that all deep spiritual traditions, whether Eastern or Western, aim for. It is a return to the Tao, a simultaneous arrival in yourself and in life.

This encounter with true nature is often difficult for people today. Everyone is in a hurry. There is always something to do, to feel, and to think about. Almost no one has learned to pull themselves out of their daily grind. Carsten Dohnke shows how to do this in his seminars and explains why it is essential for the path of the Tao. The focus shifts from personal concerns to the vastness of life, allowing participants to feel pure vitality.

In practice, this means that the courses always begin with arriving, coming home.

Everything else starts from this arriving. Only then do we proceed to the specific exercises that are part of each course.

From our courses, you always take something home that you can concretely use to help yourself, your family, and friends. This could be knowledge about the application of acupressure points, healing sounds, or energy transmissions, with which you can initiate or support healing processes. In the communication exercises that Carsten integrates into many courses, you learn to recognize how others are doing and what they really need. One step inward, one step outward.

7. July
- 13. July 2025

Groesbeek - NL (near Nijmegen and German border)

Current Seminar